Notice for students who apply extension of study period for 2024-2025 academic year


International students who want to apply extension of study period for 2024-2025 academic year need to submit their application forms to your adviser  in hard copy before 12th, September. If you do not submit any application before the deadline, you will be automatically withdrawn from our school. 

You can click the link to download the application form Extension of Study Period for International Students.doc

Students who apply extension of study period shall clear all fees they owed in previous year and shall reture scholorship for extension of study period for 2024-2025 academic year. If failing to clear all the fees in previous years, he or she can not apply to delay studing period.

Regulations For International Students Extension of Study Period

International students who are unqualified for study completion or graduation by the end of the standard study and meanwhile have not reached the conditions of withdrawal can apply for an extension of study period. 

1. International students who apply extension of study period need to submit their application forms to College of Overseas Education in mid-July each year (the specific time is subject to the announcement of the Academic Affairs Office and the Graduate School). If you do not submit any application after the deadline, you will be automatically withdrawn from our school.

2. International students who apply extension of study period shall not be offered  any scholarship.

3. There are two classifications for international undergraduates who want to delay graduation.

1: Undergraduates who owe more than 13 credits will be classified into the class of 4th grade. They  need to return the scholorship which is equal to full tuition fees of an academic year. Undergraduates who have not passed their thesis defenses (graduate thesis occupies 14 credits) also belong to this classification. If you need to retake the courses opened for other grades (not opened for fourth grade), you also need to pay additional fees for retaking courses(100 yuan / credit).

2: Undergraduates who owe fewer than or equal to 13 credits need to return scholorship for extension and pay the fee for retaking all courses (100 yuan / credit).

4. Postgraduates who apply extension of study period need to return scholorship for extension.

5. In principle, on-campus accommodation for undergraduates and graduates who apply to delay graduation will not be offered by our university. Students are required to find off-campus accommodation by themselves.

6. After their applications are approved, the undergraduates and postgraduates need go to the International Cooperation and Exchange Office for visa extension. The university will extend visas from one semester to one academic year, depending on the semester in which the students need to retake courses. If the visa does not expire after graduation, the visa will be changed to a short stay of 14 days.

7. Undergraduates and postgraduates who apply to delay graduation must abide by our university’s rules and regulations, and attend classes on time to ensure that the attendance rate reaches more than 80%, otherwise our university has the right to dismiss students.

8. Unmentioned issues will be notified separately.

Note: The extension period for international students must be within the longest study period specified in the degree map.

Standard study period: Bachelors 4 years/ Masters 3 years/ PhDs 4 years for 2020 

Longest study period:Bachelors 6 years/ Masters 5 years/ PhDs 8 years for 2020

College of Overseas Education reserves the right to explain the regulations. 

College of Overseas Education