Application for Suspension or Reentry or Quitting School of International Students


Please submit the hard copy of  application form of suspension or reentry or quiting school before 12th,  your advisor.

Application download link 

Application Form for School Suspension

Application for Reentry School

Applicaiton for quitting school

Regulations about Suspension and Reentry of International Students
 Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications 


In order to further standardize the teaching management of international students and ensure the quality of education for international students, referring to the Handbook for Students of NJUPT and Handbook for International Students of NJUPTthe specific rules are stipulated as follows.

1. For Students who have to suspend the study due to illness diagnosed by the university clinic or designated hospitals as well as other special reasons, adviser(for undergraduates) or supervisor(for graduates) shall have preliminary scrutiny and College of Overseas Education (hereinafter referred to as COE) wilexamine for approval. COE will submit the proposal of university suspension to the Academic Affairs Office, Graduate School and Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges and relevant colleges.

2. Students shall submit the application in the first four weeks of every semester (suspension due to health reasons excluded). In principle, the suspension shall last for one year and students shall finish study within the longest study period.

3. Students in suspension shall deal with the procedure of leaving school and leave school within ten days since they get the suspension notice. In some condition, the university shall help students change residence permit to short-term visa in the immigration office and maintain their students status. The students could not apply for any scholarship or allowance during suspension.

4. Students shall apply for the reentry with a written application 1 month prior to the suspension deadline. COE shall submit the proposal of reentry to the Academic Affairs Office, Graduate School and Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges and relevant colleges. The students shall pay the fees and get registered after getting approval of reentry.

5. Students who suspend their study due to health reasons shall offer the health certificate issued by the university clinic or other designated hospitals when applying for reentry and registering for new semester.

6. Students who violate Chinese laws or severely breach university rules during the suspension are unqualified to go back to univeristy.

7. Students who go back to univeristy after suspension shall register in the same major as their enrollment before the suspension. The exact grade or class shall be determined by suspension period, and they shall follow the cultivation program of the new grade after suspension.

8. The regulation shall be effective on the date of promulgation and COE is responsible for the interpretation of the regulations.