Notice for taking graduation picture online for 2021 bachelors


Time and Target students

Target Students: all 2021 bachelors



8 a.m. 17 th ,     April 2024 — 5 p.m. 23  April , 2024

This collection has a training session, please assign 1-2 person in charge to participate in the training.

Time and Place:

Xianlin Campus: April 10 (Wednesday of Week 7), 4:30 p.m., teach 2-101

Sanpai Lou, Suojincun Campus: April 17 (Week 8 Wednesday), 3 p.m., Sanpai Lou Campus No.

Important notice 


it is prohibited that you use the other picture that you took in other places, it has to be taken from your telephone directly. Don't wear clothes in blue and don't make your face in shade or in strong light.

How to use wechat small program to finish picture taking

  1. Login wechat

  2. Search and enter wechat small program “江苏图采


Follow the public wechat account 江苏省招就中心”, click “服务指南and then click 图像采集”

upload the QR code which you got it before( how to get it you can see the instruction ) 

  1. Enter your name, student ID and passport Nouse your passport No. And name) 

please strickly type the right name(right sequence and right alphabat in the above-mentioned file) 

1Enter your phone number, please use your chinese telephone number or your number from your chinese friends. 

2Read the notice of collecting photograph

Dear students:

Keep in mind that the electronic photograph collected this time will be used to register on the platform of the Ministry of Education and make academic certificate. Also, the photos (paper version, electronic version) will be used for graduation certificate, employment recommendation form,, 91job smart employment platform, etc. Please take it seriously and follow the steps carefully. Re-photographing is strictly prohibited, lest the photos fail to pass the review.

3Read the requirements

  • Light: It is recommended to face the window and shoot in natural light (avoid direct sunlight, not recommended to shoot at night), in order to ensure that the uniform facial light. Keep in mind that there is no obvious visible or asymmetrical highlights, spots, and red lights in eyes in the photo.

  • Posture and expression: stand upright, look natural, open eyes naturally and look straight, ears are in symmetry, left and right shoulders are in the same level, and naturally closed lips.

  • Glasses: Allow glasses, but not colored (including contact lenses) glasses, the frame must not cover the eyes, and the glasses must not reflect light.

  • Ornaments and coverings: earrings, necklaces and other accessories are not allowed, hair must not cover eyebrows, eyes and ears, and head coverings (for the purpose of religion, medical and cultural needs) are prohibited. It’s better not to make up.

  • Clothing: You clothes should be clearly distinguishable from the background color, and avoid complex patterns and stripes (blue clothes are not allowed)

  • Re-photographing is strictly prohibited: ID photos should be effective and authentic. It is strictly forbidden to use other software to do any facial or beauty treatment, and it is strictly prohibited to re-take other photos.

  • Photo reset: According to the requirements of the provincial recruitment center document, after the photo collection, the Office of Academic Affairs will review the photos, and the photos that do not meet the collection requirements will be reset. Students whose photos are reset should follow the collection requirements within the specified time, that is, re-photograph and upload.

4read the requirements

Make sure the head coincides with the frame line

5Click“拍摄要求”and take a photo

6Follow the rules and it is strictly prohibited to re-take other photos

7Wait for the system to process the photos. If you are not satisfied, please click the camera button below to take another shot.

8Payment (15 yuan/person),use wechat to pay


10The photo download page: if the system has been completed, you can click to download the picture in the "照片下载" section.