2023-2024第2学期拟清除学籍留学生名单 Namelist of the international students whose status as a student will be removed in 2nd semester of 2023-2024 academic year


International students:

   According to the Regulations about Dropout of International Students in NJUPT, this is the name list of international students whose status as a student will be removed due to long time absence from classes,  failing to apply for extension of studying period or leaving school of one's own accord. Please be noted that once a student academic record is removed, he or she is not a student of NJUPT, and any academic records in NJUPT cannot be regained.  

 If you have any problems and confusion about the name list, please contact your advisor between 5th, March to 12th,  March.


1F23130204NOUHAILA JADOUANI摩洛哥本科工商管理主动退学
2F23010111MD SAMIM HASAN孟加拉国本科电子信息工程主动退学
3F18030117NUR AL-MUKHAMMAD BERDIBEKOV乌兹别克斯坦本科计算机科学与技术长期失联
4F20110212KYMBAT ORYNBAY哈萨克斯坦本科工商管理长期失联
5F1021010103MD GOLAM RABBANI孟加拉国硕士信息与通信工程长期失联
6F1021030101YASSINE BEN ABBES摩洛哥硕士计算机科学与技术主动退学
7F1021090213IHSSANE NANI摩洛哥硕士工商管理长期失联
8F1021090215MOUAD BOUHNINI摩洛哥硕士工商管理长期失联
9F1020090210PROSHENJIT BISWAS孟加拉国硕士工商管理长期失联
10F1020090215KIRILL GALSKII俄罗斯联邦硕士工商管理长期失联
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13F1020090225ARUZHAN KOSSAY哈萨克斯坦硕士工商管理长期失联
14F1019090225KIMBANGI PAGHIEL MANKIDI刚果(金)硕士工商管理长期失联
15F1019090222GULDANA NURBAYEVA哈萨克斯坦硕士工商管理长期失联
16F1018010104ALEKSEI SLEPTSOV俄罗斯联邦博士信息与通信工程长期失联
17F2019010104PATIENCE GIDIGLO加纳博士信息与通信工程主动退学