留学生考勤、请假管理办法 Regulation of Attendance Rate Record and Asking for Leave for International Students


I. Attendance Rate Record

(1) During their stay in the university, international students shall attend the classes and other activities arranged by the university on time, and being late, leaving classes early and absence of classes without any reasons are prohibited.

(2) Attendance rate shall be recorded in classes, experiments, internships, practices and other group activities organized by the university.

(3) The teachers shall be responsible for recording attendance rate in an appropriate way such as regular checking and random checking when giving lessons stipulated in the cultivation program; the organizers shall be responsible for recording attendance rate in other activities uniformly arranged by the university, and the advisors shall be responsible for recording attendance rate in ways of regular checking and random checking.

(4) Advisors shall know the attendance situation from the teachers and shall keep in touch with teachers in the first week, and exchange information including attendance rate with the teachers at least 2-4 times and no less than once a month, and the vice dean in charge of international students' management work will implement the work of monthly attendance rate reporting.

(5) If the student cannot attend class for some reason, the student shall ask for leave in advance. Anyone who has failed to ask for leave, or whose leave has not been approved, or whose leave has not been renewed after the expiration date will be punished as absenteeism. Twice records of late arrivals or early departures will be counted as once absence of academic hour.

(6) International students shall be punished for the absenteeism based on the relevant provisions of Regulations on Withdrawal of International Students from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Regulations on Suspension and Re-entry of International Students from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Regulations on Disciplinary Actions for International Students from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

2.Asking for Leave

(1) International students can ask for sick leave, personal leave or official leave.

A: Sick leave: International students need ask for leave because they are unable to participate in the activities stipulated in the cultivation program and arranged by the university due to health reasons. When taking sick leave, they shall provide relevant certificates from hospitals (certificates from the clinic of the university or county or municipal hospitals; when they take sick leave during the examination period, they must present certificates from the clinic of the university and get the signature of the director of the clinic before the leave takes effect).

B: Personal leave: In principle, international students are not allowed to take personal leave during the study period. International students can take personal leave if they are unable to participate in activities stipulated in the cultivation program and arranged by the university on time due to major events of themselves or their families. International students are required to verify the situation and provide a certificate (explanation of the situation) for the leave of absence.

C: Official leave: international students take official leave because they need attend major events as provincial or municipal level projects or competitions. Relevant certificates from relevant departments shall be provided. Teaching activities shall be reported to the Academic Affairs Office and Graduate School for approval in accordance with the procedures.

(2) International students who are unable to participate in the activities stipulated in the cultivation program and other activities uniformly arranged by the university due to the above reasons shall apply for leave of absence in advance, and those who leave the university without applying shall be punished as absenteeism.

(3) Except for the cases of severe illness or urgent accidents, students are not allowed to make up for the leave afterward. International students shall cancel the leave in time after the leave expires.

(4) The leave of absence of international students shall be approved by the advisors within 3 days, and the activities stipulated in the cultivation program shall be approved by the teachers; the leave of absence of more than 3 days and less than 1 week shall be approved by the vice deans; the leave of absence of more than 1 week shall be approved by the dean of the college, and reported to the Academic Office and Graduate School for the record. If international students take leave for more than 3 days, the vice dean of the college in charge of international students shall inform the teachers (activity organizers) of the leave. If the total number of unexcused absences in a semester exceeds one-fifth of the course total hours, or if the number of unexcused absences from homework or experiments exceeds one-fifth of the total hours, the qualification for the examination of the course shall be canceled.

(5) the materials of asking for leave for more than 3 days shall be kept in the college for record for a period of 1 year.


The College of Overseas Education is responsible for the interpretation of these regulations.


College of Overseas Education, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications

September 4th, 2023










()辅导员向任课教师了解考勤情况,辅导员在每门 课程开课第一周应做好与任课教师的联系对接工作,视课程开课周时长短与任课教师交流包括考勤在内的信息至少2-4次,每月不少于1次,由学院分管留学生工作的副院长落实每月考勤公布情况。








(二) 留学生因以上原因不能参加培养方案规定和学校统一安排的其他活动,必须提前办理请假手续,未办理请假手续擅自离校的按旷课论处。

(三) 除急病或紧急事故外,一般不得事后补假。留学生请假期满,应及时销假

()留学生请假3日以内3日)由辅导员批准,培养方案规定活动需经任课教师批准;3日以上1周以内由学院分管留学生工作的院领导批准,培养方案规定活动需经留学生所在学院的分管教学的院领导批准;1周以上由学院院长批准并报教务处、研究生院备案。留学生请假3日以上的,学院分管留学生工作的副院长落实留学生请假情况告知任课教师(活动组织者)工作。 一学期内无故旷课累计超过课程学时数五分之一的,或无故缺交作业、缺做实验超过五分之一的,取消该门课程的考试资格
































































南京邮电大学校长办公室                    2020年6月5印发
