Notice on Organizing and Carrying out the Application for 2024 College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program(STITP)


1.project principles

Focus on interest-driven, independent practice, process participation, practicability, integration with faculty research projects, integration with discipline competitions and graduation design (thesis).

2. Project type and quantity

The innovation training programs are divided into two categories: engineering hardware (including the combination of hardware and software), software and other categories.

Entrepreneurship training programs are divided into two categories: entrepreneurship training programs and entrepreneurship practice programs.

In the entrepreneurship training program, the student team, under the guidance of the tutor, divides the roles of team members, completes the preparation of business plans, carries out feasibility studies, simulates the operation of enterprises, participates in enterprise practice, writes entrepreneurship reports and other work;In the entrepreneurship practice program, the student team, under the joint guidance of the school tutor and the enterprise tutor, adopts the results of the early innovation training program (or innovative experiment), puts forward an innovative product or service with market prospects, and carries out entrepreneurial practice activities on this basis.

3.Requirement for topic selection

Innovation and entrepreneurship training programs are not limited to disciplines, and the selected topics should have certain academic value, theoretical significance or practical significance. Have innovative or obvious entrepreneurial education effect; The topic selection direction is correct, the content is substantial, the demonstration is sufficient, the difficulty is moderate, the key and difficult points to be broken through are clear, the research ideas are clear, the research methods are scientific, the research program is feasible, and the expected results are verifiable.

Students can choose their own topics within a certain range according to their interests. The scope of topics is as follows: sub-projects related to teachers' research and technology development (service); Comprehensive, designed and innovative experimental projects in open laboratories, training or practice bases; Invention, creation, design and other production projects; Specific projects or open topics set by enterprises that are decomposed and refined by the latest industrial needs and actual production problems of enterprises; Business incubation projects for college students in and outside the campus; All projects that combine scientific and technological innovation to be practiced in entrepreneurship;

Professional research and innovation projects, entrepreneurship and career planning innovation projects; Social survey project; Other projects with research and practical value. To encourage the national economic and social development, have a certain theoretical and practical significance of the topic, encourage directly from the industry line, science and technology frontier topics; It encourages the development of certain innovative basic theoretical research and targeted applied research topics, and encourages the research of emerging marginal disciplines and cross-disciplinary comprehensive research topics. Focus on supporting innovation and entrepreneurship training projects with prospects of technology, commercialization and industrialization.

4.Object of declaration

The applicants for the innovative training program are undergraduates of the class of 2022, and the number of students in each project is generally 3-5. Applicants for entrepreneurial training programs or entrepreneurial practice programs are undergraduate students, and the person in charge is in principle a 2021 or 2022 undergraduate student, and the number of each team is generally 3 to 5 people.

Project team members must have a clear division of labor. The training program is not limited to disciplines, and interdisciplinary and cross-professional cooperation is encouraged to apply for projects. Each student can only participate in one innovation and entrepreneurship training project in this batch, and is not allowed to cross-declare between different projects at the same time. Students who have participated in innovation training programs in previous years can apply for entrepreneurship training programs this time.

5.Declaration procedure and time

Projectapplication website:

Specific arrangements are as follows:


work content

Week 4

(March 18 - March 22)

The school issued a notice of application for college students' innovation and entrepreneurship training program

Weeks 5-7

(March 25 - April 12)

The College organized students to fill in the project application form online and instructed teachers to review it online

Week 8

(April 15 - April 19)

The College organized an expert group to review and recommend university-level and above projects, and submitted a summary of the recommendation level and ranking order

Week 9

(April 22 - April 26)

The school held an expert review meeting

Week 10

(April 29 - May 3)

Announce the project and carry out the project launch publicity

6.The student application procedure is:

Students should fill in the Application Form for Innovation Training Program Project of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (see Annex I) or the Application Form for Entrepreneurship Training Program Project of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (see Annex II) and apply onlineGuide teachers to review online, and organize experts to review online and report the resultsThe school will organize experts to review and publicize and issue the notice of project approval results.


1. Application for college students' Innovation Training Program of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications


2. Application form for Student Entrepreneurship Training Program of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications

College students innovation and entrepreneurship training plan management system

Project Application Guide

System login:

Enter the system address in the browser (recommended to use Google, Firefox, 360 browser speed mode), click "User login", enter the corresponding account, password and verification code. After the login is successful, tap Background Management in the upper right corner to enter the background management page. Please change your password and complete your personal information after login.

System address:

Login account: Student number

Password: Student number @Njupt (please be case sensitive)

Detailed operation:

The first host of the project logs in the system to fill in the project declaration

After students log in to the system, click the Project Management -- Application project menu,click the new button on the page to enter the project application page, and fill in the application item by item. Finally upload the attachment: "Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications University student innovation training Program Project Application Form" or "Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications University Student Entrepreneurship training Program project Application Form".

If you are not sure what you have filled in is not finalized, you can click "Temporary". After temporary storage, the content of the application can be modified continuously; After submission, the content of the application cannot be modified. In this case, you can contact or remind the instructor to review.